Create Favourite Video
Where did I see that video? Who was the presenter? What series was it a part of?
Now with 850+ videos in the library the best way to avoid these questions is to create your own favourites list.
Lists that you can share with your players and/or other coaches (if part of the same group plan).
Here is how to do it.
A. How to create a Favourite Video List?
1. Find the video from the Rugby Site’s video library.
2. To the right of the video is a ‘Video Share’ button.
3. Click on the ‘Video Share’ button and a pop up screen will appear.
4. Click on the ‘Share Video chapters’ button. Select the videos from the series that you want to add to your favourites list.
5. At the bottom of the page click on ‘Add Favourite List’ to create a Favourites List heading. Enter the name into the ‘Name’ box.
6. Click ‘Send’ to save the List.
7. Click ‘Done’ to finish.
Watch Create Favourite Video List
B. To View your Favourites list:
1. Click on the ‘My Account’ menu header.
2. Click on the ’ Video Sharing’ menu option on your right side bar.
3. Click on the ‘Favourites List’ option to view your Favourites List(s).
Watch View your Favourites List
C. To Share your Favourite List(s):
1. Click on the ‘Share with List’ button at the bottom of the Favourites List page.
2. Select the ‘Favourite List’ and Select the ‘Favourite Viewer Name’ you want the list to be shared with.
Watch Share your Favourite List
D. To Create a Viewer List:
1. Click on the ‘+ADD VIEWER LIST’ button half way down the ‘Favourites List’ page.
2. Enter a name into the ‘Name box’ to give the List a name.
3. Select members from your team list or your fellow coaches in your group.
4. Click ‘Send’ to Save.
Watch Create a Viewer List